v3.5 [Jul 30, 2013]
- Optimized priority based throttle to be more smart and try to not waste network bandwidth.
- Clean the Throttle setting page, move settings into extra dialog, to make settings clear.
- Re-written the DOS detection code. Now it can detect DOS in period of "minute" or "hour" instead of "second" only.
- Re-written the SYN flood protection code, actively force windows TCP/IP stack to release resources for the half-open sessions, to be able to accept more incoming connections
- "System Guard" feature added ability to block .NET executables.
- Optimized BlueTrak rule importing, to be able to import more than 300000 records in short time. Also limited GUI ruleset tree to display only first 100 imported item, to improve dialog loading speed.
- Personal Edition: Show different toaster title color for triggered allow/deny/ask rules.
- Personal Edition: When close main window to the tray icon, display the "still running" balloon only twice (keep silent after twice display)
- Added "Min" button to "View Detail" dialog.
- Save and restore column position information for all TreeList controls, include columns width.
- Add "Unblock" context menu for program and sessions, whenever there was a firewall rule created by "Block It!"
Issues fixed:
- Display service name correctly for Win8/2012
- Fixed conflict with "McAfee Internet Security" which caused sessions failed to be displayed
- Fixed bug that when DNS cache full, firewall/throttle stop working for rules based on DNS name
- Fixed an occasional BSOD when using throttle.
- Fixed one BSOD on Win2003.
- Fix issue that disabling rule in log or capture setting dialog does not work (it still enabled after applied).
- Fix issue that when security event log was disabled and there is "NO log" rule, the blocked session still be logged.
- Fix issue that when there are multiple-screen and the left one is the second one, Net-Peeker's scroll bars will stop working on the left screen.
- Fixed issue that after firewall disabled, blocked ICMP/UDP sessions is still blocked
- Fixed bug that throttle controls speed too aggressively when only one peer enable TCP window scaling
- Fixed bug that some locale character in firewall rule name will crash GUI.
- Personal Edition: Fix issue that when process dialog displayed for statistics or capture dialog, it bring up the main window and overlap the current dialog.
- Fix issue that "Import Sponge's rule list" radio button will stay selected after selected once.
- Fix bug that click column to sort does not work on columns which changed order.
- Group Edition: Fix issue in remote installer dialog that collapse then expand the root network tree will result blank list.